ENEMO's EOM to the 2024 Municipal elections in Hungary held its first press conference to officially announce the mission

07. May. 2024.

Budapest, May 7, 2024 - The European Network of Election Monitoring Organizations (ENEMO) has accredited 6 international election experts and 8 Long Term Observers to the upcoming Municipal Elections, which will be held on June 9th, 2024 in Hungary, on the same day as EU Parliament elections. This was stated during the press conference held at the V30 - Belvárosi Sportközpontban (Vadász utca 30., 1054, Budapest). 

ENEMO’s international observation mission will observe, assess and report on key findings related to its observation of the overall electoral process for the municipal elections, including respect of fundamental human and political rights but also the conduct of election management bodies, voter registration, campaigning by electoral contestants, complaints and appeals, gender equality, the media environment, and observe the process during the Election Day. The mission will issue an Interim Report approximately 10 days before Election Day, a Statement of Preliminary Findings and Conclusions on June 10th, and a Final Report approximately two months after the elections. 

Mr. Pierre Peytier, Head of the Mission stated: “ENEMO operates in full compliance with international standards for election observation. The principles of the mission are objectivity, impartiality and accuracy of the information collected by our experts and our observers on the field. All ENEMO mission participants have signed the Code of Conduct for International Election Observers and the Declaration of Principles for International Election Observation”. He added: “Our mission is present in Hungary to comprehensively assess the electoral process according to international standards for democratic elections and the Hungarian national legislation, as well as provide recommendations for potential areas of improvement in our final report. Our presence here aims to deliver quality information to stakeholders and the public, thereby increasing the level of transparency and trust of Hungarian citizens in the electoral process”. 

Additionally, Mr. Peytier said that ENEMO’s mission counts on a Deputy Head of Mission, an Election Administration Analyst and Legal Analyst, one Political Analyst, and one Media Analyst to follow all key aspects of the electoral process. “Both Core Team analysts and LTOs will follow developments on the national and local level in order to shape our assessment. Our LTOs will be based in the cities of Budapest, Szeged, Debrecen, and Pécs, and will observe electoral developments at the level of the municipalities in these regions. We are confident that the mission will be very successful, in line with previous ENEMO missions, including the previous mission conducted by ENEMO for the 2022 parliamentary elections. Through observing and reporting on the key aspects of these elections, our mission also aims to ensure the respect of the free will of voters”, he explained. 

Furthermore Mr. Peytier, added: “All ENEMO reports and conclusions presented to the public will be evidence-based through the Core Team and observers’ findings, which will focus on all essential aspects of the electoral process. Although the mission’s main mandate is to cover the 2024 municipal elections, the mission will also follow electoral developments related to the EU Parliament elections, insofar as they have an impact in the context of the municipal elections”. ENEMO works in close cooperation with domestic and international observation missions whose observation methodology meets international standards.

Press release in English: ENEMO Press Release Hungary 2024 Mission Announcement.pdf

Press release in Hungarian: ENEMO sajtóközlemény, Magyarország 2024, a misszió bejelentése..pdf


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