How to become an ENEMO member?
An organization is eligible to become an ENEMO member shall it meets the following basic criteria:
· The organization is non-governmental;
· The organization is non-profit;
· The organization is non-partisan;
· The organization is registered or de-facto operating in its own country, is active, functional and transparent and accountable to ENEMO regarding the criteria mentioned.
ENEMO recognizes 4 types of membership: full membership, consultative membership, associate membership, and honorary membership.
An application for membership is made by an organization in any period of the year through submitting at least two recommendation letters from ENEMO full members. The application is reviewed by the General Assembly. Membership in the ENEMO is ensured through the 2/3 of the General Assembly and, depending on its projects and activities, the organization obtains a status of an associate member or of a consultative member.
Full members
An organization is eligible to be an ENEMO full member should it meet the following additional criteria:
· The organization is an election monitoring organization;
· The organization has implemented at least one election-related project or activity during the past 4 years;
· The organization respects international standards set in the Declaration of Global Principles for Nonpartisan Election Observation and Monitoring by Citizen Organizations;
· The organization has implemented at least one active project during the last calendar year, as proven by the submitted annual report;
· The organization pays membership fee, except when the Governing Board makes a decision for exemption from paying membership fee, upon request from the respective ENEMO full member.
ENEMO full members have the following rights and responsibilities:
· Vote on the sessions of the General Assembly;
· Nominate and elect members for the Governing Board and for the position of President of ENEMO;
· Nominate candidates for all the positions within an election observation mission (EOM): members of the Core Team, LTOs and STOs;
· Recommend candidates outside of the Network for the positions within the Core Team, apart from the positions of the Head of Mission and Deputy Head of Mission;
· Nominate candidates for positions within non-election monitoring related projects.
Consultative members
An organization is eligible to be an ENEMO consultative member should it meet the following additional criteria:
· The organization conducts projects and activities in the areas of human rights, democratization, and other related fields.
ENEMO consultative members have the following rights and responsibilities:
· Participate in the work of the General Assembly without the right to vote;
· Do not have the right to nominate and elect members for the Governing Board and for the position of President of ENEMO;
· Do not pay the membership fee;
· Nominate candidates for positions within non-election monitoring related projects.
A consultative member can become an associate member in case it starts election-related activities after becoming a consultative member of ENEMO while preserving other criteria for associate membership. The change of membership type is to be supported by the 2/3 majority of the total number of full members.
Associate members
An organization is eligible to be an ENEMO associate member should it meet the following additional criteria:
· The organization has implemented at least one election-related project or activity during the past 4 years;
· The organization respects the international standards set in the Declaration of Global Principles for Nonpartisan Election Observation and Monitoring by Citizen Organizations.
ENEMO associate members have the following rights and responsibilities:
· Participate in the work of the General Assembly without the right to vote;
· Do not pay the membership fee;
· Nominate STOs for EOMs. The number of STOs from the associate members cannot be higher than 30% of the average number of STOs allocated to full members;
· Nominate candidates for positions within non-election monitoring related projects.
An associate member may apply for full membership after two years since joining the Network. The decision for granting full membership status is made by the General Assembly with 2/3 majority of the total number of full members.
Honorary members
An Honorary member is an individual who is elected as a member of the General Assembly for a period between two General Assemblies to represent an ENEMO full member organization that lost its legal status due to repression of the regime in its country.
An organization is eligible to be an ENEMO honorary member should it meet the following additional criteria:
· The organization is an election monitoring organization;
· The organization has implemented at least one election-related project or activity during the past 4 years;
· The organization respects international standards set in the Declaration of Global Principles for Nonpartisan Election Observation and Monitoring by Citizen Organizations;
· The organization has implemented at least one active project during the last calendar year, as evidenced by the submitted annual report;
ENEMO honorary members have the following rights and responsibilities:
· Vote on the sessions of the General Assembly;
· Nominate members for the Governing Board and for the position of President of ENEMO;
· Nominate candidates for all the positions within an election observation mission (EOM): members of the Core Team, LTOs and STOs;
· Recommend candidates outside of the Network for the positions within the Core Team, apart from the positions of the Head of Mission and Deputy Head of Mission;
· Nominate candidates for positions within non-election monitoring related projects.
Organizations wishing to apply for membership in the network can contact us via e-mail