Early Presidential Elections in Ukraine 2014

Country: Ukraine

Type of election: Presidential election

Type of mission: Election observation mission (EOM)

Head of mission: Peter Novotny

Long-term observers: 48

Short-term observers: 300

ENEMO’s Election Observation Mission to Ukraine 2014 began its work on 1 May, with the arrival of the six-member Core Team. 48 long-term observers arrived in Kyiv on 8 May. ENEMO’s long-term observer teams were deployed countrywide except for Lugansk and Donetsk oblast. During the pre-election period, ENEMO’s long-term observers focused on the conduct of the election campaign, the formation and work of election commissions, and official election complaints. Prior to election day, ENEMO observers, including Core Team members, held meetings with election commission members, candidate representatives, representatives of NGOs, domestic observers, journalists and many other domestic and international interlocutors.

On 22 May, 300 additional ENEMO short-term observers arrived to Ukraine. They were specially briefed and trained on the political environment, specifics of the election process and election legislation. On Election Day, ENEMO deployed 152 teams that observed the opening of polling stations, the conduct of voting inside polling stations, the environment around polling stations and the counting of votes in selected PECs and DECs. ENEMO’s methodology is strongly consistent with global standards for international election observation. ENEMO’s short-term observation teams operated as mobile teams. They visited 1622 polling stations equally dispersed throughout the Ukraine, followed the opening and counting procedures in 152 PECs, and observed the transfer of protocols to DECs. Moreover, ENEMO observers monitored the tabulation process at the DECs. On Election Day ENEMO’s observation focused on assessing the work of election commissions (PECs and DECs) and the conduct of voting, vote count and tabulation, and on identifying potential irregularities and violations throughout election day. 

ENEMO's IEOM to Ukraine for the Early Presidential Elections was financially supported by the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI), the United States Agency for International Development, and the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Kyiv and the EU European Development Fund.


Launch of the Mission

21. May. 2014 SEE MORE


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