ENEMO’s Election Observation Mission to Ukraine 2014 began its work on 1 May, with the arrival of the six-member Core Team. 48 long-term observers arrived in Kyiv on 8 May. ENEMO’s long-term observer teams were deployed countrywide except for Lugansk and Donetsk oblast. During the pre-election period, ENEMO’s long-term observers focused on the conduct of the election campaign, the formation and work of election commissions, and official election complaints. Prior to election day, ENEMO observers, including Core Team members, held meetings with election commission members, candidate representatives, representatives of NGOs, domestic observers, journalists and many other domestic and international interlocutors.
ENEMO takes the opportunity to express its highest acknowledgments to the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI), the United States Agency for International Development, and the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Kyiv and the EU European Development Fund for funding of its activities. Additionally, ENEMO wishes to express its appreciation to the CEC for its cooperation and assistance in the course of EOM registration.