Following an invitation from Kosovo’s President of the Republic, to observe Municipal and Mayoral elections in Kosovo, the European Network of Election Monitoring Organizations (ENEMO) deployed an Election Observation Mission (EOM) to observe the elections held on 3 November 2013 as well as the rerun of the 1st round in North Mitrovica and the 2nd round of local elections on 1st of December.
ENEMO’s Core Team arrived to Pristina on 1st of October 2013 and prepared the deployment of 6 teams of long-term observers (12 persons in total), covering the entire territory of Kosovo. They were monitoring the pre-election environment, the political campaign and activities of political entities and the election administration, prior to both rounds of local elections. The election process was assessed on the basis of international standards for democratic elections and the national legislation.
This statement represents a final assessment of Local elections in Kosovo, based on preliminary findings and conclusions produced after monitoring each round of elections, as well as the entire process of Local Elections in Kosovo 2013. Findings, conclusions and recommendations given in this report should assist Kosovo's efforts to continue the reform process of the entire electoral legislation, in line with international standards, best practices and ENEMO's previous experiences.