Podgorica, 31 August, 2020 - On Election Day, The European Network of Election Monitoring Organizations (ENEMO) for the 30 August 2020 Parliamentary Elections deployed 23 multinational teams of observers to follow the process of the preparation and opening of polling stations, the voting and counting process, as well as the transfer and intake of election materials by MECs.
Observation teams, composed of 8 LTOs and 38 STOs, monitored the opening procedures at 23 polling stations, voting in 315 polling stations (nearly 26 per cent the total number of polling stations in these elections), and closing and counting in 23 polling stations. ENEMO observed the intake of election materials and tabulation of results in 23 MECs.
ENEMO preliminarily assesses that Election Day was overall calm and peaceful, with few cases of procedural irregularities observed by ENEMO on the day of voting which did not affect the electoral process. The pre-election period took place in a socially and politically polarized environment, generally competitive, despite Covid-19 measures significantly limiting opportunities for campaigning and causing uncertainties regarding voting rights. Although the election was well conducted and the administration met most prescribed legal deadlines, late adoption of rules for conducting elections is at odds with international best practices.
The management of the polling and conduct of PBs and MECs was assessed positively in the majority of cases observed, with some procedural violations and irregularities assessed not to have affected negatively the legitimacy of the overall process.
This was stated at the press conference held at the PR Center where ENEMO presented its preliminary statement.
This statement is based on ENEMO mission observations and findings during the pre-election period and on Election Day. ENEMO stresses that this statement is preliminary in nature, as the official results are yet to be announced and submitted complaints are still to be addressed. ENEMO will issue the final report of the mission in October.
The mission’s observation fully complied with the Declaration of Principle for International Election Observation internationally recognized best practices in election observation.
At the press conference on behalf of ENEMO were present Dr. Gianluca Passarelli, Head of the Mission, Ms. Ana Mihajlovic, Deputy Head of Mission, Mr. Pierre Peytier, Election Campaign Analyst, and Mrs. Kristina Kostelac, Election Administration Analyst and SEC Observer.
Disclaimer: The ENEMO IEOM to the 30 August 2020 Parliamentary Elections in Montenegro was financially supported by the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). The content of the document is the sole responsibility of ENEMO and does not necessarily represent the position of the donors.