Following an invitation of the Central Election Commission of Moldova, ENEMO has deployed an International Election Observation Mission to observe the 2019 Parliamentary Elections, scheduled to be held on 24 February, based on a Decree of the Parliament of Moldova of 27 July 2019. The Mission is composed of a Core Team of eight international experts, based in Chisinau, and ten long-term observers, deployed in five multinational teams of two, throughout the country. The Core Team has been established since the beginning of the election period, and the long-term observers have been deployed on 10 January 2019. The EOM will not engage additional short-term observers on Election Day. However, at least seven teams of observers, in teams of two, will be formed from the current members of the EOM to monitor the voting, vote counting and tabulation of results in a number of polling stations.
e its deployment, the Mission has monitored and assessed the overall environment in which elections are being held, performance of election management bodies, the candidate registration process, voters’ registration, the beginning of the electoral campaign, complaints and appeals, and other crucial aspects of the process. The EOM is assessing the electoral process for compatibility with international benchmarks and standards for democratic elections, and the Moldovan legal framework. ENEMO EOM’s mandate and scope is limited to the monitoring of the Parliamentary Elections of 24 February 2019; the EOM is not monitoring the conduct of the Republican Referendum, which is to be held on the same day with the Parliamentary Elections. However, selected aspects of the Referendum are being observed and analyzed, to the extent that they affect the Parliamentary Elections.
The first interim report focuses mainly on the general electoral framework, the performance of EMBs and the candidate registration process, from the beginning of the electoral period until 31 January. Other aspects of the electoral process, especially the electoral campaigning and voter registration, will mainly be assessed within the next report.
The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of ENEMO and do not necessarily reflect the views of the donors!