Final Reports - Final Report - Presidential Elections in Ukraine 2010

Final Report - Presidential Elections in Ukraine 2010

26. Apr. 2010.

The European Network of Election Monitoring Organizations (ENEMO) has fielded about 900 short-term observers to monitor all stages of the voting process, including the opening, the vote, the vote count and the tabulation of results in polling stations and in district electoral commissions for the two rounds of the 2010 Presidential Elections. In total, ENEMO observers monitored the opening of 400 polling stations, voting procedures in over 4300 polling stations and the vote count in over 400 polling stations for the two rounds of election. In addition, ENEMO deployed short term observers to monitor Election Day in Ukrainian embassies and consulates in Russia (Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, and Vladivostok), Republic of Moldova (Chisinau and Beltsy), Belarus (Minsk and Brest) and Romania (Bucharest).