Final Reports - Final Report - Local Elections in Ukraine 2015

Final Report - Local Elections in Ukraine 2015

08. Apr. 2016.

The Election Observation Mission (EOM) for the Regular Local Elections of 2015 in Ukraine was the tenth by ENEMO to the country. The EOM began with the arrival of the Core Team, consisting of 8 experts, to Kyiv. ENEMO additionally deployed 50 long-term observers (LTOs) across the country to observe and assess the electoral process in their respective regions for the elections held on 25 October, as well as the second round, conducted on 15 November.

ENEMO has deployed 180 short-term observers (STOs) to observe the first round of elections throughout Ukraine. Together with mobile LTOs, ENEMO had 93 teams in the field, which have monitored the opening of 93 Precinct Election Commissions (PECs), voting in 1211 PECs and the closing of 93 PECs. Another 90 STOs were deployed during the Election Day on 15 November, which formed 67 ENEMO teams in the field, together with mobile LTOs, which jointly monitored the opening of 67 PECs, voting in 873 PECs and the closing of 67 PECs. ENEMO also observed re-scheduled elections in Mariupol and Krasnoarmiysk on 29 November, with 3 teams that monitored the opening of 3 PECs, voting in 40 PECs, the closing of 2 PECs and the activities of city Territorial Election Commission (TEC). 

This final report is based on the findings of ENEMO observers from the field. The report combines information from monitoring of opening, voting, counting and the transferring of election materials to TECs on Election Days, as well as from findings of LTOs during the entire election process, where they focused on the work of election administration bodies after the first round of elections, election-related complaints and appeals, the conduct of election subjects prior to the election day, as well as the overall election environment and its conduct.