Chisinau, 18 September 2024 - Following an official invitation from the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Moldova to observe the Presidential Elections and Constitutional Referendum of 20 October 2024, starting from 10 September, the European Network of Election Monitoring Organizations (ENEMO) deployed an International Election Observation Mission. ENEMO has accredited seven Core Team members to date. Six long-term observers will be joining the IEOM on 28 September and deployed in three teams to observe the pre-electoral period throughout the country. 14 additional short-term observers will be joining the IEOM a few days before Election Day, to observe the voting process, counting of votes and tabulation of results. ENEMO’s IEOM will also observe the potential run-off elections to be held on 3 November.
Through monitoring and reporting on crucial aspects of the elections, the Mission of ENEMO aims to improve the transparency of the election process and assess its integrity and compatibility with international obligations of Moldova and standards for democratic elections, as well as the domestic legislative framework. The IEOM will pay particular attention to the fulfillment of previous recommendations of ENEMO and other international and domestic stakeholders. The key aspects that ENEMO will monitor and assess are the overall political and electoral environment, respect for the rights to elect and stand for election, conduct of election management bodies, freedom to campaign, gender equality, voting and counting processes, election dispute resolution, etc.
ENEMO is open to cooperate with all domestic and international stakeholders whose core values match those of the network, respect for human rights and strengthening democratic processes and the rule of law. Besides direct observation, the Mission members will be meeting with election management bodies, representatives of state authorities, political parties and candidates, civil society, media representatives, as well as with the international community, in order to receive a more comprehensive picture about the electoral process.
The Mission’s findings will be made available to the public through one interim report, to be issued approximately one week before Election Day; two statements of preliminary findings and conclusions, to be issued immediately after Election Day and potential run-off election day, and a final report, complete with recommendations for eventual improvements in the area of elections and related policies, which will be issued and presented approximately two months after the elections.
The IEOM of ENEMO for the 2024 Presidential Elections and Constitutional Referendum in Moldova is financially supported by the National Democratic Institute (NDI); the Kingdom of the Netherlands; and the Soros Foundation in Moldova. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of ENEMO and do not necessarily reflect the views of the donors.
For further information, please contact: Dritan Taulla, Head of Mission, 060066851
Press release in English: Mission Announcement - ENG.docx
Press release in Romanian: Mission Announcement - ROM.docx