In the framework of the mission to Georgia for the Parliamentary Elections scheduled for 26 October 2024, ENEMO is announcing a call for the following 8 CT positions:
- Head of Mission
- Deputy Head of Mission
- Election Administration Analyst/CEC observer
- Legal Analyst
- Political (Campaign) Analyst
- Finance and Logistics Officer
- Data Analyst (Statistician)
- LTO/STO Coordinator
Please note that since the creation of the ENEMO Database, the procedure for applying to ENEMO positions within EOMs has been updated:
- In order to apply for a position, you must register in the ENEMO Database ( Applications from candidates which are not registered in the Database shall not be considered.
- If you are already registered, please ensure that your profile is up to date by signing into your Profile (
- In order to apply for the positions above, please additionally send us your CV and application form below at this address:
Therefore to become a CT member, in addition to sending us your CV and the form below, please bear in mind that you are required to register in the ENEMO online Database. The registration process will guide you through a series of steps to register you into our Database including your information, professional experience, education, skills, etc.
Please register/update your profile and send us your application documents (CV and form below) for the desired position(s) to by Wednesday 21 August, until midnight (CET).
Please also bear in mind that the deployment of the mission and its scale is still under discussion with our main donors; however, ENEMO considered it crucial to have CT members selected beforehand.
Georgian citizens are not allowed to apply for this mission.
Additionally, applicants are invited to consult the Terms of Reference (ToR) below prior to applying, to verify that they meet all necessary requirements. ENEMO invites applicants to also consult the 2022 ENEMO Handbook for Observation, available under the Resources section of this website.
Terms of reference (ToR) CT positions Georgia 2024.docx
Core Team member application form Georgia 2024.docx