Parliamentary Elections in Montenegro 2020

Country: Montenegro

Type of election: Parliamentary election

Type of mission: Election observation mission (EOM)

Head of mission: Gianluca Passarelli

Deputy head of mission: Ana Mihajlović

Long-term observers: 8

Short-term observers: 38

On 15 July 2020, the European Network of Election Monitoring Organizations (ENEMO) officially announced the deployment of an International Election Observation Mission (IEOM) to Montenegro to observe the 30 August 2020 Parliamentary Elections. The mission was composed of seven Core Team members, eight Long-Term observers (LTOs), and was reinforced by an additional 38 Short-Term observers (STOs) to observe at polling stations on Election Day. After observing the pre-election period and preparations for the holding of the election, the mission issued an Interim Report on 15 August. Through its observers deployed at polling stations on 30 August, the mission additionally observed the process of opening, voting, closing and counting, and transfer of election materials to Municipal Electoral Commissions (MECs) on Election Day. The IEOM issued its Statement of Preliminary Findings and Conclusions on 31 August.

Over the duration of the mission, ENEMO long-term observers conducted 446 meetings, 126 with election management bodies, 155 with political parties and electoral candidates, 56 with state officials, 47 with media, 37 with domestic civil society organizations and 25 with other interlocutors, in addition to observing 11 campaign activities (meetings or rallies).

Additionally, the Core Team observed all sessions of the State Election Commission during the deployment period, and conducted meetings with international and domestic stakeholders at the central level. The mission monitored and assessed the overall political and electoral environment, respect for the rights to elect and stand for election, conduct of election management bodies, campaigning, gender equity, voting and tabulation processes, electoral dispute resolutions and other crucial aspects of the process, based on international standards for democratic elections and the national legal framework of Montenegro.

The ENEMO IEOM to the 30 August 2020 Parliamentary Elections in Montenegro was financially supported by the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). 


Zaklju?ci i preporuke ENEMO me?unarodne posmatra?ke misije Parlamentarnih izbora u Crnoj Gori 30. avgusta 2020: promovisanje sveobuhvatne revizije izbornog zakonodavstva 22. februar, 2021

26. Feb. 2021 SEE MORE

Findings and recommendations from ENEMO IEOM to the 30 August 2020 Parliamentary Elections in Montenegro: promoting a comprehensive review of the electoral legislation

23. Feb. 2021 SEE MORE

ENEMO Head of Mission met with the President of Montenegro

21. Sep. 2020 SEE MORE

ENEMO representatives met with the Prof. Zdravko Krivokapic from the For the Future of Montenegro Coalition

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ENEMO representatives met with the President of the State Election Commission

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ENEMO Head of Mission met with the leader of the Democratic Montenegro Party

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ENEMO Head of Mission met with Political Director of the Democratic Party of Socialists

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ENEMO representatives met with the Vice President of the SNP

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ENEMO presented its Statement of Preliminary Findings and Conclusions

31. Aug. 2020 SEE MORE

Briefing of short-term observers organized by ENEMO IEOM to Montenegro

29. Aug. 2020 SEE MORE

ENEMO representatives met with Mrs. Snezana Jonica Head of the party Socialists of Montenegro

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ENEMO representatives met with Mr. Dusan Drakic Head of Department at the Agency for Prevention of Corruption

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ENEMO representatives met with Political Director of the Democratic Socialist Party

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ENEMO representatives met with the Head of IT Department of the Parliament and the SEC

14. Aug. 2020 SEE MORE

ENEMO Election Campaign Analyst Pierre Peytier met with director of the Agency for Electronic media of Montenegro

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ENEMO representatives met with the Chair of the Gender Equality Committee of the Montenegro Parliament

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ENEMO representatives met with the leader of the Democratic Montenegro Party

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ENEMO representatives met with the leader of True Montenegro

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ENEMO representatives met with the leader of the Civic Movement URA

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ENEMO representatives met with the leader of Socialist People's Party

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ENEMO representatives met with the Deputy Prime Minister

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ENEMO representatives met with the leader of Liberal party

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ENEMO has deployed the International Observation Mission for the Parliamentary Elections in Montenegro

15. Jul. 2020 SEE MORE


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